5 steps to build your self-worth

Deciding that you want to believe in your worthiness will be the most important decision you make in your entire life.

Self-worth can seem an abstract concept but our sense of self-worth influences how we show up in our personal life, our career, our business, our relationship. So believing you are worthy is key.
Read this post to understand why your self-worth matters and to discover 5 steps to boost it.

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valerie megeComment
How to boost your self-confidence?

“I’ve always lacked self-confidence.” If I had one euro for every time someone told me that…;) People often think that self-confidence is something you’re either born with or not. Something you have it or not. But the good news is that self-confidence is not a personality trait. It’s a skill and an emotion. We can learn it and we can create it.

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valerie mege Comment
How to heal your inner child

Inner child work is profoundly transformational. It releases you from the past, and helps you connect to your authentic self. All of us, no matter how small or insignificant, have traumas from our past that need addressing. You can heal your inner child, here’s how.

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