How to boost your self-confidence?


“I’ve always lacked self-confidence.”

If I had one euro for every time someone told me that…;)

People often think that self-confidence is something you’re either born with or not. Something you have it or not. But the good news is that self-confidence is not a personality trait. It’s a skill and an emotion. We can learn it and we can create it.

First of all, what’s self-confidence?

Self-confidence is your ability to trust yourself, your capacities and judgements.

It's the belief you can successfully handle present situation and challenges, and those that the future holds.

When you have solid self-confidence, you can move forward without excessive fear, seize opportunities, take risks and allow yourself to make mistakes. You feel capable of succeeding but also of bouncing back in case of failure.

Self-confidence is the foundation of success and of a happy and fulfilled life.

Why self-confidence is important:

With a solid sense of self-confidence, you’ll:

  • Feel better, calmer and fully equipped to deal with any situation.

  • Go after what you really want in life

  • Bounce back quickly from failure

  • Have better relationships

  • Seize new opportunities

  • Be more assertive

  • Be a better leader and self-leader

  • Speak your truth

  • Feel more fulfilled


Building a rock-solid self-confidence is a process (that I teach to my clients). You won’t become 100% self-confident in a few days.

But you can start now!

4 ways to boost your self confidence: 

  • Your posture matters: a good posture helps boost your self-confidence. Research proved that it improves the quality of your thoughts and your brain works better. It’s also linked to a better mood.

  • Know your strengths: Our brain is designed for survival and our default thinking when facing the unknown is to focus on what we are bad at. Make a list of your strengths and read it often. 

  • Choose a dare: confidence comes from our mind-set but it’s also linked to doing. Choose daily something that scares you a little bit. Then celebrate yourself for doing it, whatever the result is. It’ll help to build your self confidence!

  • Choose carefully your thoughts and self-talk: This is the most important step!!! Be aware of your thoughts about yourself and your capacities, and of the way you talk to yourself. Choose empowering thoughts. Use positive self-talk. Instead of : “I can’t do that”, try : “ I can’t do that YET”

If you want to go one step further to boost your self-confidence, follow me on Instagram for more!

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