Are you ready to live the life you’re meant to?


Hi, nice to have you here. You are one step closer to a completely new mindset that will transform your life. 

I work with people like you, who on paper, have a good life but inside, feel like something is missing. 

You are feeling a bit stuck and nothing that you’ve tried to feel happier and more fulfilled has had lasting results. 

Maybe you are thinking you are not where you thought you would be in life at this age. Or that now that you have “ticked all the boxes” you should be happier than you are.

You know that something has to change. You tried changing jobs, circle of friends, you tried a new morning routine, a new gym training, a new hobby or you got involved in a new relationship, hoping that this will finally makes you feel happy and satisfied with your life. 

It worked for a bit but you feel like you are always back to your starting point of unhappiness after a moment.

Maybe you even know what you want your life to look like but don’t know where to start to achieve it. It’s not that you are lazy, it’s not that you don’t have enough willpower. 

It’s because a real and lasting transformation comes from within. Yes, you can change your life and the way to do it is from the inside out. Yes, something more profound has to change and it’s you, your beliefs, your thoughts and your subconscious programming. You’re the only thing in between the life you want. How freeing is this?

I want you to know you can have it all. And you will. I am here to show you how you can achieve any result you want. Because when you master your mindset, you become the master of your life.

Imagine, feeling empowered in your mind and in control with your life. Imagine your life being led from a place of purpose and fulfillment.

Imagine feeling better, having peace of mind, being happy, feeling powerful and alive and bringing more abundance and success into your life. Imagine feeling FREE, happy, inspired, excited, fulfilled… EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

The people that work with me end up with a new sense of fulfillment, a sense of peace within themselves. Their life now has a meaning, and the life they live is the one they were dreaming about, a life they choose for themselves, a life they are excited about!

They know they can achieve anything that they set their mind to.

It can look like: new opportunities at work, thriving relationships that fulfil them, a sense of true calm within themselves, a feeling of being on the driver seat of their life and a rock solid self confidence.

Let’s get started, we are about to rock your world!



Single Session : Laser Focus

The push you need to get unstuck and get started.

Bring your biggest struggle of the moment and you will leave with clarity, deep insights and action steps that will change your life for good.

What’s included:

  • A detailed questionnaire that will help us dig deep into what is your concern and what you want to achieve.       

  • 1 X 90 mins coaching call via Zoom. Powerful questions, non judgemental and unconditional support, new perspectives about your concern of the moment and tools that will help you overcome your blocks : you will have all that and more by the end of the coaching session. 

  • Follow up by email and WhatsApp for the next 7 days, to help you keep the momentum and for any doubts that can arise. 


1 Month Coaching Series:

The Mindset Shift

You have that one goal that you want to achieve, but you don’t know where to start. You are ready to have clarity, take action and make big steps towards your dream. 

The first session is to become crystal clear about your objective and design an action plan. The 3 next sessions we will work on your mindset and will overcome any blocks that can stop your progression. We will focus on keeping you in action so you will have make huge progresses towards your goal at the end of our time together. 

What’s included:

  • 1 no-obligation connection call to get to know each other, where you can ask me all your questions about coaching and to see if we are a good match

  • 1 welcome pack including a detailed questionnaire to be filled before the connection call and a pdf with exercises to be completed before the first coaching call.

  • 4 x 60mn coaching calls ( 1 per week) via Zoom.

  • Individualized coaching homework specifically designed to support and reach your goals and to keep momentum between session. 

  • unlimited communication by email and WhatsApp between sessions to check in and support you (obstacles, shifts in perspectives, celebrations of your successes, and anything you may need support around)


3 Months Coaching Series:

The Mindset Makeover

You are ready to feel free of any limitations and self sabotage that holds you back from your dream life. We’ll work on any area of your life where you’re not where you want to be, with a mindset makeover. At the end of our time together, you’ll have a deep and comfortable connection with yourself and internal peace. You will know how to master your mind and use your thinking to achieve whatever you want in life. You’ll have discover your recipe for success, your own version of success. This journey will change you, from the inside out!

What’s included:

  • 1 no-obligation connection call to get to know each other, all your questions about coaching will be answered and we will see if we are a good fit.

  • 1 welcome pack including a detailed questionnaire to be filled before the connection call and a PDF with exercises to be completed before the first coaching call.

  • 10 x 1h coaching calls via Zoom

  • Personalized visualization recording

  • Individualized coaching homework specifically designed to support and reach your goals

  • Unlimited communication by email and Voxer between sessions to check-in and support you (obstacles, shifts in perspectives, celebrations of your successes, and anything you may need support around)


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